It's Wayne's World, Wayne's World, party time, excellent!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Boys just want to have fun!

Wayne- marriage is punishment for shoplifting in some countries.

Garth- PROOF!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wayne- Party on, Garth!

Garth- Party on, Wayne!

In home theaters near you: Please note it is the dutiful Todd who leans over to wipe the ring of moisture left behind from Sarah’s large drink.

NO! NO! NO Four Loko! As the name suggests, Red Bull and Vodka, or Vodka Red Bull, is a drink that contains, well, Red Bull and vodka!

Mama Grizzly talks border fence,
hole drilling, private life and a famous neighbor..

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Butt Ugly Palin Returns

If that doesn't scare, you check out Joe Miller for Senator and "Those are corrupt bastards, Chris."
or Big Bristol ... Joe is worse than McInsane. Scaredy-cat, too!! Happy Halloween!

MatSu Valley tattoos

Every bodies doing IT! GET A TATTOO!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Big Bristol

Most addicts are found to be hypoglycemic. This condition may have existed before they started taking drugs.
Basically all drug addicts, whatever chemical they are using, are after serotonin, a chemical that the body produces from food sources and that makes them feel happy and content.
Addicts have a problem producing serotonin, and when they withdraw from drugs they get depressed, anxious, irritable and will return to drugs.
Regardless of hypoglycemia or whether sweets are particularly desirable when high, sugar absolutely does not curb the need!!!! (Addicts love to suck on sweets, note also the unusual tongue and mouth techniques.)
Auntie Sharon loves her to death or how to comfort and get more sugar to your addict!

Get a room, no more fat expansions on the teevee. Weight is a fav subject around the world just don't show us how they look and ignore what is happening on Dancing with the Stars.
Don't blame Chris Ray, he is innocent!
The typical unwed teen.

Interview About Levi & Their Baby

Does she want Mama Grizzly to run?

Mario Lopez at “The Grove” in L.A.!

She gets an easy one. The Viennese Waltz.

Video week 6

Adrienne Ross

Mother Nature role: Sexier than Brittani Senser and Levi?

Birthday surprise! Bristol is a Kings fan!!

Bristol (and Sarah) feel a special affinity with Florence Henderson:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pretty in Pink

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona is the man! Just ask Wasilla Alaska's Sarah Palin!

Tongue action like it's 1773!
Touchin' ain't it?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Running Rum with the Pistol

Masticating Bristol the Pistol knows how to devour her nachos! You GO Girl! Who dat sipping the Red Bull behind slit lipped cousin ? ? ?

The amazing, avaricious, awesome, security squadron saves the Pistol from mean ol' lamestream media!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Garth: ...not just a town, but a st-state of mind.

Speedy made my day, he sent me a twreaty of my favorite hoochie mama !!#!@!! WOWSER BOWSER !!
Am I ready !!!!
This is between us Artic Menfolk, don't tell Big Daddy or the Goon Squawks.


I loves da steam from dem Wasilla saloons. Color me hot and happy, Pappy!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Valdez Todd

"It’s the end of the tape, where Todd runs into the guy later, that really looks bad for him."


Hawk Pierce, a local small busines owner, attempted to video Sarah and Todd Palin at the Valdez Airport on August 17th but was met with opposition from the Palin's and the Fox News crew that accompanied them. CLICK HERE for video of the encounter taken by Hawk Pierce.

The video is reminiscent of a recent one from Homer Read more: ADN