It's Wayne's World, Wayne's World, party time, excellent!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Boys just want to have fun!

Wayne- marriage is punishment for shoplifting in some countries.

Garth- PROOF!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wayne- Party on, Garth!

Garth- Party on, Wayne!

In home theaters near you: Please note it is the dutiful Todd who leans over to wipe the ring of moisture left behind from Sarah’s large drink.

NO! NO! NO Four Loko! As the name suggests, Red Bull and Vodka, or Vodka Red Bull, is a drink that contains, well, Red Bull and vodka!

Mama Grizzly talks border fence,
hole drilling, private life and a famous neighbor..

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Butt Ugly Palin Returns

If that doesn't scare, you check out Joe Miller for Senator and "Those are corrupt bastards, Chris."
or Big Bristol ... Joe is worse than McInsane. Scaredy-cat, too!! Happy Halloween!

MatSu Valley tattoos

Every bodies doing IT! GET A TATTOO!!